ESG in our DNA and together we're building a sustainable future for our business, people and society.
For more than 10 years, we've thought of our business sustainably for our activities, employees and society. Always looking for the best practices for environmental preservation, employee wellbeing, society entrepreneurship and governance practices that follow the new market's highest standards.
Some of our achievements:
- We have taken part in the Global Pact, establishing our compromise with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, led by the UN.
- We've created a social environmental responsibility policy and guidelines for private social investment for all the companies of the ecosystem.
- We've set the center of our materiality and Goal for Sustainable Development (GSD) that are top priorities in our business.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Education -
Decent work
and Economic
growth -
Intake and
output -
Equality -
and infrastructure
Check our reports on ESG:

- We have a green area of 40 thousand m² (131233,6 ft²).
- In 2023 we developed the first Greenhouse Gas inventory of the company.
- All the emissions of Greenhouse Gas of the scope 1 and 2 will be neutralized by the end of 2023.
- All the energy consumed is bought from the Free Market of Energy, resulting in around 10% of energy saving.
- Constant data center equipment adaptation to reduce water and energy consumption.

- We've had an Inclusion & Diversity Committee since 2019 that acts on 7 fronts (women, POC, generations, LGBTQIAP+, culture and origins, masculinity and body positivity).
- Throughout the year, we offer donations to NGOs and other nonprofit institutions.
- We have several career speed up programs, such as Heroes Guide, Leaders' Program, Mentorship, Wanna Be PO, among others.
- We offer courtesy of products Locaweb to nonprofit institutions that are aligned with our purpose.
- To take care of our employees, we offer therapy (online and on-site), telemedicine, nutritional, physical and ergonomic guidance.

- We're aligned with the best practices of corporate governance, following B3's “New Market” Regulation.
- Risk assessment is continuously updated to fit in the company's scenario.
- We've examined the Ethical Code towards the new scenery of the company.
- We have implemented the ESG committee that works alongside HR.